I'm back from Ohio and have NO PHOTOS. Bad. But I did have a great time visiting Emma and her man, Ryan. When I left, things were finally cooling off here, and the temp was even better up North. Not that we left the house much, we just hung out, drank wine and watched A LOT of television.
I was a tv kid. It has been my babysitter, teacher and window to the world. If I could add up all the hours of my life spent in front of that flickering screen... I wouldn't. I don't want to know. Tim and I don't have cable. We had an antenna, but Appal the bunny cleverly dispached it. We will watch a movie or two in the evening, netflix or library, but the screen remains dark during daylight hours. There is just too much to do around here. If it were up to me we wouldn't have a tv at all. I am an addict. I accept this.
So, man oh man, did I binge! Em and Ryan keep modern hours, aka: no goats crying for love at the crack of seven thirty, and I was immediatly on board. No one thought to rise until noon, and that only if you had something to do. There was grazing in the kitchen and we would all eat a meal together... around eleven p.m. (I took about three dozen duck eggs up with me, and Ryan made great use of them). In between it was pretty much games (they have an x box, wii and ds) and satellite tv. Emma did make a beautiful necklace ( http://www.etsy.com/shop/therabbithole ) and Ryan disappeared now and again, coming back with tip money and the scent of mongolian bbq. I, on the other hand, was far too busy catching up on The Daily Show and Flipping Out to do anything one could call PRODUCTIVE.
After a week with my darling cousin and an amazingly beautful eight hour drive, I found mysef back in a place where entertainment is a little more three dimensional. Tim, my lovin' man, did a grand job keeping things not dead, though I like to think I was missed. They might not have the production value, but for me this little farm is the best show running.
Is that a sneaky way of hawking wares or what?